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Trip around Oz a hit with clients

Written by Joanne Isaac, Senior Manager (Communications and Campaigns) with integratedliving

Our Wellness and Activity Centres are ready to launch a trip around Australia activity for clients! The catch? We’re using our imaginations (and muscles) to get to our destinations!

Wellness Centre clients will be working hard to contribute to the kilometres needed to move from one city or town to the next on their epic 17,832km trip around the country. As the kilometres travelled goals are reached, clients in both the Wellness and Activity Centres will learn more about each location on the map.

image of australia
The trip will total 17,832km!

We are looking forward to learning more about and introducing our extended team members to the clients, learning fun facts and challenging our brains with trivia along the way! Our start point is the Ballina Wellness and Activity Centre, learning all about history and fun facts from the city of Hobart. We also practice exercises from our chairs, such as moving our feet to walk between sites.

Each of our clients will have the opportunity to contribute some kilometres to the tally using the specialised HUR cardio equipment in our centre gyms. Stopping at each centre once the necessary amount of kilometres has been collectively reached (as well as other destinations around Australia) – clients will be meeting the staff at each centre and learning about each region in fun ways.

Each of our lovely centre coordinators will be keeping track of clients’ progress using a specially designed map (like the one you can see above). Our Activity Centres will be holding some talks on the history of the surrounding area, with motivational music and singing!

An awesome way for clients to have fun while building their strength and fitness and enjoying some stimulating challenges. 

A photo of the clients progress!

Keep an eye out for further updates!

Learn more about our Wellness and Activity Centres